Fedor PetrikFedor Petrik

Fedor Petrik

Chief Tax Consultant

Extractive industry, Retail, Manufacturing, Transportation, Energetics


Fyodor has over 7 years of experience in advising major Russian and foreign organisations on Russian and international taxation, improving tax function and accounting processes, building internal control systems, and implementing tax monitoring. Prior to joining Tax Compliance, he worked in consulting companies of the Big Four.

He graduated with a Bachelor's degree from MGIMO and a Master's degree from the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation. He is a postgraduate student at Plekhanov Russian Economic University, specialising in law.

Fyodor specialises in comprehensive support of taxpayers' transition to the tax monitoring regime, including advice on emerging methodological issues, development of ICS, preparation of necessary documents, design of business processes for the accounting function, implementation and integration of IT systems. He has experience of joint work with the Federal Tax Service in the development of the tax monitoring regime, including the development of a universal reference book of primary document forms, tax accounting registers, preparation of reference materials and training seminars for taxpayers.

Fyodor has extensive experience in advising clients on various issues of application of Russian and international tax legislation, including tax risk analysis, preparation and improvement of accounting policies and local regulations in the field of tax and accounting, tax audit and structuring, transfer pricing issues.

Participant and speaker at conferences organised by Pravo.ru, Kommersant and others. Author of articles and commentaries for business and professional publications.



Development of a property ownership structure located in the Russian Federation

Assistance in obtaining tax amnesty for business splitting

Advising a public organization in the framework of the formation of amendments to the tax amnesty for business splitting


Advising and analyzing the choice of jurisdiction for a holding company

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