Sergey IvanovSergey Ivanov

Sergey Ivanov

Chief Tax Consultant

Retail, IT business, Real estate and construction, Transportation and logistics, Pharmaceuticals and healthcare, Natural resources and energy, Manufacturing


Sergey has over 5 years of professional experience in tax, currency and customs law. Prior to joining Tax Compliance, he worked at BIG-4 in the Tax Dispute Resolution Group.

Specializes in analysis and management of tax, customs and currency risks, support of tax and customs audits, representing clients at the stage of pre-trial and court settlement of disputes with tax and customs authorities.

Graduated with a Bachelor and Master degree from the Faculty of Law of the Moscow State Law University named after O. E. Kutafin (MGJA). Currently continues his postgraduate studies. She has a diploma of advanced training at the Moscow State Law University named after O. E. Kutafin (MGJA) on specialization “Translator of the English language”.

Sergey significant achievements include:

- bringing to victory in the court of cassation the largest foreign packaging manufacturer, which participated in the case on priority application of the import customs duty rate established by the WTO rules rather than by the EAEU;

- full support of the largest investment holding company in commercial real estate management in several tax disputes on application of the debt push-down concept;

- complete support of a major manufacturer of elevator equipment in a tax dispute on the inclusion of profits from repair of third-party elevators in the base for calculation of royalties payable to a foreign organization;

- reducing the size of claims of the tax authority by eight times at the pre-trial stage when supporting the desk audit of a foreign company after filing a VAT declaration (electronic services).


Advice on customs value determination

Supporting an audit of the inclusion of dividends in the customs value of goods

229 million
Asset audit

Defending a major energy company in court on the issue of qualification of property as movable/immovable property

Settlement of customs disputes

Supporting a major retailer in a dispute with a customs authority

Settlement of customs disputes

Advice to an automobile distributor on confirming the validity of a transportation expense deduction

Classification of goods

Advice to an importing company on confirmation of the country of origin of goods

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