Ivan Tsvetkov
Ivan Tsvetkov Ivan Tsvetkov

Ivan Tsvetkov

Head of Tax Practice

Manufacturing, IT-business, Retail, Real estate and construction, Transport and logistics


Ivan's experience in taxation is more than 10 years, including both work for the tax authorities in the field of field tax audits, as well as control and analytical work, and at rated Russian law firms.

He specializes in supporting field tax audits, appealing tax claims, identifying tax risks, developing and implementing tax compliance systems, and advising on complex issues of Russian taxation.

Ivan advises the leading Russian banks and companies in various industries on identification and mitigation of tax risks, as well as on pre-trial appeal of tax claims against the largest construction and production companies.

Certified tax consultant. Member of the Chamber of Tax Advisers. Regular speaker of specialized tax webinars, author of articles and comments for the media. Tax lecturer at a leading online financial university.


Production Successfully
Support in the framework of pre-test analysis

Assisting the client in preparing a legal position on the "splitting" of the business

  • Employees involved

    Mikhail Begunov, Nikita Zharov, Ivan Tsvetkov

  • Process description

    The tax authority, as part of its pre-inspection analysis, concluded that the taxpayer used a "split" business scheme. In particular, the tax authority believed that: (1) the inclusion of a retailer who applied the simplified taxation system ("Counterparty") in the chain "producer - end buyer" is due solely to tax motives; (2) the taxpayer and the counterparty are interdependent business entities. In view of the above, the taxpayer was requested to adjust its tax liabilities and submit revised tax returns. The Tax Compliance team helped the client to elaborate a legal position confirming that (1) business transactions with the Counterparty are real; (2) business transactions with the Counterparty have a business purpose; (3) no interdependence exists between the taxpayer and the Counterparty.

  • Result

    The tax authority accepted the arguments of the taxpayer.

Construction 50 million ₽
Pre-court settlement of tax disputes

Development of a legal position confirming the reality of relations between a leading Russian construction company and its counterparties, as well as the unlawful additional accrual of income tax

  • Employee involved

    Ivan Tsvetkov

  • Process description

    The company purchased goods used in construction at the customer's facilities, paying for the supplies by means of the transfer of promissory notes. As a result of an on-site tax audit, the tax authority concluded that the Company's expenses for purchasing the aforementioned goods were not actually confirmed, on the basis of which it assessed additional VAT and corporate profit tax on all transactions with counterparties. The tax authority also assessed additional personal income tax and insurance contributions on the amount of promissory notes transferred as payment for the above transactions, qualifying these expenses as dividends of a person controlling the Company.

  • Result

    As a result of developing a legal position, preparing objections to the act, supporting additional tax control measures, preparing objections to the supplement to the act, as well as representing the Company during the consideration of audit materials by the tax authorities, the tax authorities managed to prove the unreasonableness of additional charges in terms of income tax, personal income tax and insurance premiums, thereby reducing the amount of additional charges by 76%.

Construction 410 mln ₽
Pre-court settlement of tax disputes

Defended a Russian company specializing in wholesale trade of equipment for mining and construction against tax claims under sec. 54.1 of the Russian Tax Code at the stage of objections to an addendum to a tax audit report.

The reality of the activities of subcontracting organizations was proved and the claims of the tax authority were removed

  • Duration

    February 2023 - May 2023

  • Purpose

    Challenge the tax authority's claims that the company used "unfair counterparties" in a chain of subcontractors.

  • Employees involved

    Mikhail Begunov, Ivan Tsvetkov

  • Process description

    A tax authority refused to take into account VAT expenses and deductions in respect of a taxpayer's relations with several counterparties. Taks Compliance specialists have developed a position which provides for both a full appeal against additional tax assessments on several episodes and the application of "tax reconstruction".

  • Result

    Arguments and arguments formed for the taxpayer were accepted by the tax authority. Tax claims were reduced by 80%: by more than 410 million rubles.

Retail Successfully
Court settlement of tax disputes

Successful defence of the Company's interests in arbitration court on the application of tax reconstruction

  • Employee involved

    Ivan Tsvetkov

  • Process description

    The Company purchased raw materials used in the production of textile products which were subsequently sold to the Company's customers. As a result of an on-site tax audit, the tax authority concluded that the Company's purpose in concluding transactions with the disputed counterparties for the supply of raw materials was not to obtain the results of entrepreneurial activity, but to obtain tax savings, on the basis of which it imposed additional VAT and profit tax on all transactions with the said counterparties. In the opinion of the tax authority, transactions with the disputed counterparties were performed not by the said counterparties but by other persons who were not parties to contracts concluded with the Company.

  • Result

    Successful defence of the interests of a textile manufacturer in an arbitration court on the application of tax reconstruction

transport Successfully
Advising on the application of tax legislation

Advising the client on personal income taxation of individuals working outside the Russian Federation

  • Employees involved

    Mikhail Begunov, Ivan Tsvetkov, Nikita Zharov

  • Process description

    The Tax Compliance team was given the task of analyzing the tax risks associated with the procedure for taxing the income of individuals working outside of Russia.

  • Result

    The Tax Compliance team has identified the areas most exposed to tax risks and prepared recommendations for improving document management (in terms of processing the client's labor relations with employees working outside of Russia) based on the results of the analysis.

Production Successfully
Pre-court settlement of tax disputes

Challenging the results of a field tax audit of a Russian water supply company

  • Employee involved

    Ivan Tsvetkov

  • Process description

    During the audited period, the joint-stock company carried out water supply and water disposal of facilities, including residential buildings, industrial facilities and social infrastructure facilities. As a result of the field tax audit, the tax authority concluded that the Company had received an unjustified tax benefit in the following episodes: (1) provision of motor transportation services by a person who is not a party to the contract; (2) unjustified inclusion of amounts of written-off accounts receivable in non-operating expenses; (3) Illegal non-recovery of VAT, non-deduction of VAT and overstatement of expenses on transactions, VAT and expenses on which were reimbursed by subsidies as gratuitous contributions to property that did not increase the Company's authorized capital; (4) Illegal non-inclusion in non-operating income of a part of the subsidy equal to capital investments in depreciable real estate and written off by the Company through the depreciation mechanism. The Company, while not disputing the amounts of additional charges imposed by the tax authority in the episode involving the unjustified inclusion in non-operating expenses of amounts of written-off accounts receivable, disagreed with the tax claims in the other episodes.

  • Result

    Following a study of the legal position, which was developed by Tax Compliance specialists based on the results of the analysis of the actual circumstances of the dispute, the tax authority made a decision to satisfy in full the Company's claims in respect of profit tax. In addition, the tax authority satisfied the Company's claims (1) on the necessity to carry forward the unused amount of losses of previous years to reduce the taxable base for profit tax, (2) on the necessity to reduce the amount of the penalty due to the presence of mitigating circumstances (the amount of the penalty was reduced by 99%), as well as (3) on the calculation of penalties taking into account the moratorium on their accrual. Thus, the tax authority satisfied the Company's claims with respect to profit tax, the need to carry forward the unused amount of losses from previous years, and the need to reduce the fine and penalties in full, which significantly reduced the amount of additional charges - over RUB 10 million (approximately 66% of additional charges).

